
Arde Venezuela. Represion contra la población

Hoy Venezuela se debate en una lucha por la libertad
hay cientos de estudiantes detenidos y tiroteados


4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

Anónimo dijo...

Top website, I hadn't noticed divarios.blogspot.com earlier during my searches!
Carry on the fantastic work!

Anónimo dijo...

Thanks for sharing the link, but unfortunately it seems to be offline... Does anybody have a mirror or another source? Please reply to my post if you do!

I would appreciate if a staff member here at divarios.blogspot.com could post it.


Anónimo dijo...

Hello there,

I have a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at divarios.blogspot.com.

Can I use part of the information from this blog post right above if I give a backlink back to your website?


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